Summer Escape

A Short Story

Summer Escape is a short story about two friends, Jake and Kedrin.  Jake would like to be more, but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. Kedrin would like more, but is afraid of rejection. Kedrin has joined Jake and his family on a camping trip and they’ve decided to set their own rules. Now they just need to be able to communicate their feelings with each other.

More Jake & Kedrin

Several people who read Summer Escape have asked me if I there are plans in the works to do more stories with Jake and Kedrin or go back and make this into a book.  To be honest, I have considered both ideas.  Right now, I like it as a short story.

Alternate Covers

These were the original cover ideas for Summer Escape.  Thankfully a friend of mine convinced me to change to the current cover.

Design 1 – My friend was correct stating that black and blue does not represent summer well.

 Design 2 – My friend suggested using the red background and changing the picture color to brighten up the cover.  Days later the picture was changed and it was deemed perfect give the cover it was published with (see picture above).


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