What Do You Think?

My new blog layout went live this afternoon!  I am excited about having this layout, as I have always wanted it.   I think that it looks nice and is easier to read.  As I have time or feel inclined, I am going to go through to update, adjust and add to the content. 

The banner is something I would like to change, if I can figure out the HTML to adjust the size.  I would like to have a smaller version of the original one I created for my blog.  I am also thinking about changing and deleting some of the pages.  I’ve also wanted to add in a page with Links to friends and other authors for people to check out.  This is going to be a while off though, unless my break from writing continues, which I hope it does not!

Right now, I just want people to check my website out!  I worked hard on it to get it to this point.

Would you like to win a $5 Amazon gift card?  Leave me a comment (or send me an Email) and let me know what you think!  I will take the names from the comments left and run them through random.org to select a winner.  Let me know if there is something you like or don’t like.  Is there anything you would like to see included.  You don’t have to like it to enter!

I look forward to reading your thoughts!


  1. I really like your background. It's really pretty and not too in your face. The colors go really well together. Great job, it looks very nice!

    1. Thank you! These are some of my favorite colors. I have you entered into the drawing! If you share with your friends, let me know and I will give you an extra entry! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I think so too! I have you entered into the drawing! If you share with your friends, let me know and I will give you an extra entry! :-)

    2. Congratulations! You are the winner of he $5 Amazon gift card! I see you posted your email address below, so I will get it sent to you immediately!

      Thanks again for your feedback and support!


  3. Digging the new layout Jayson!! And sorry about the deleted comment under "Derinda" above. I was logged in as YATR and didn't realize it!! LOL!!!

    1. No problem! Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it! I have you entered into the drawing! If you share with your friends, let me know and I will give you an extra entry! :-)

  4. I absolutely love it.Easy to understand and move through.Beautiful, good luck with it.

    1. Thanks Debbie! I wanted it to be, plus look sharp! I have you entered into the drawing! If you share with your friends, let me know and I will give you an extra entry! :-)


    The winner of the $5 Amazon gift card, for leaving her comments on my new website design. Thank you to Debbie and the others who shared their opinions.

  6. Never seen this kind of blog layout before. It looks very nice though. Love the banner.

    1. Thank you! I want to make some changes and update content, such as on the book pages.


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