I'd Say, "It's Been Awhile."

That's quite an understatement.  In an effort to get back into writing, I thought I would start with some baby steps.  Getting back into writing for my blog is one of the those steps.  A steep step at that!  This was more so than I expected, being I've not been on my email in almost a month.  1355 Facebook notifications, 104 emails, 3 items needing immediate attention, 157 promotions and assorted other emails: Are you alive?  Are you ever going to write another book?  Do you draw anymore?  Please do not tell me you've stopped writing because people did not like your last book.  This one made me giggle.  Without doing a blog, I had plenty of writing material for today, simply replying back to emails.

It might be the social butterfly in me or the need for some attention, validation or any other narcissistic label one could put on a writer.  Then there's the artist in me, which I suppose doubles this in me.  Either way, I thought I would blog today.  A mix of sharing my thoughts, as they come in and out of my head, or until I decide to join my snoring girl back in bed.  I thought I'd respond to a few messages...

Are you alive? 
Absent from social media, but very much so.  Just extremely busy.

Are you ever going to write another book? 
Yes, I have a few ideas going through my head.  Two of them are another book with Derrick and Justin; something with them as teenagers and the other I am still deciding on picking up ending college or after college with the pair.

Do you draw anymore? 
Honestly, not really.  A friend of mine bought me a Zentangle book and some pens for my birthday.  I immediately loved the idea of a disciplined drawing and using it to refine my form.  I made it through about 7 of the units and then stopped.  I keep saying I am going to get back into doing one a week, leaving the book and my pen pouch out on my desk, yet this has not happened.  I need to quit thinking and simply draw when an idea strikes.

Please do not tell me you've stopped writing because people did not like your last book. 
As with every book, readers are going to like it and others are not going to like it.  It was an idea I'd had for quite some time and I am glad that I wrote it.  My best friend and I whom the characters are loosely based upon know what is true and what was fiction.  Although Pieces of Us did not have the popularity of my previous books, I am quite proud of the book.

Are you ever going to put your books into audiobooks?
Although I have no current plans to do such, I do hope this will happen in the next few years.  I had a few friends willing to read for Finding Our Way.  I had some audio of the book somewhere.  I know I am reluctant to do so.

How are you and Cooper doing?
We're both very well.  Still walking regularly, her insisting when I'm trying to get out of it.  I've had a cold over the past week and she's been right there to cuddle with me in bed, putting me right to sleep.  She came up to have me pick her up a few minutes ago, thus making typing difficult.

I miss your blog.  Even though I don't comment, I do read your blog.
Although not a question, I have about a dozen emails stating the same message.  I wanted to acknowledge the people who've been inquiring and in their own way encouraging me to find my way back.


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